京都国際舞踏祭 ステートメント





芸術監督 桂勘

ダンス、そして舞踏を通してその肉体の深淵を探ることに興味あるいは情熱をお持ちの皆様、京都国際舞踏祭は、あなたのサポートをお待ちしています。金額の多少にかかわらず皆様の一粒の想いが私たちの継続の力となります。以下のPayPal アカウントの窓口にコメントを添えて喜捨をお待ちしています。

The Kyoto International Butoh Festival Statement

As a global Butoh platform, the Kyoto International Butoh Festival has been inviting 25 dancers from overseas and 38 groups from Japan, with the first in 2018 and the second in 2019.

We pursue the “potency” of the body and spirit of dance art. Also we nurture the ideas that have sprouted from Tatsumi Hijikata’s Butoh in our international city of Kyoto.

We would like to examine “Why Butoh emerged in Asia and why have been asking the body?” from an interdisciplinary and international perspective, using the body, culture and tradition as a foothold.

Kyoto generates magnetic field that activates the inner minority. We hereby state that we will draw a future chart that expresses the “body” itself for beyond the generation.

Artistic Director Kan Katsura

If you are interested or passionate about exploring the abyss of your body through dance and Butoh, Kyoto International Butoh Festival is waiting for your support. Regardless of the amount of money, everyone’s a grain of seed will help us to continue. It’s true!
Please drop one coin with your comment at the PayPal account window below.